Fiduciary irony, fee disbelief, and investment deja vu.
In this retirement plan version of the game “Who Killed Cock Robin?” we can identify three macroeconomic trends that slayed the pension plan, once the giant among all retirement plans. But, where does the 401k fit in?
Despite those imagined rosy memories, actual history shows, with a few notable exceptions, pensions were never as universal or as lucrative as imagined.
State pension implosion, a regulation without teeth, and the fee-value correlation.
401k rising, the Fiduciary Rule’s long goodbye, and a fee trend worth continuing.
The real retirement crisis, dumbing down fiduciary, and solving wrong problems. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 11/3/17
401k Caps Survive, Fiduciary Time-Out, and the Stocks Shall Rise Again!