Did the DOL just upstage the SEC? Or merely raise the liability for the 401k fiduciary?
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If you’ve come to Fiduciary News for the water, then this week’s trending topics is just for you. It starts with a whole list of bad investment ideas, includes the continuing dilemma of pensions and a fiduciary fight and ends with a future issue.
Again, it comes down to a question of needs, costs and personal preferences. What’s more important: Avoiding bankruptcy and sharing control or increasing long-term profits and retaining control?
These vast unknowns inherent with Target Date Funds have perhaps created a new fiduciary liability where none previously existed.
From the Edsel of the mutual fund industry to the “do they really expect us to believe this” of the Fiduciary Standard war to a series of decisions in fiduciary lawsuits, discover the past weeks trending topics.
I wish we’d spend a tenth of the time we spend indoctrinating our kids about drug use and sex helping them understand the basics of money and investing.
Fiduciary News interviews an industry spokesman, who, on the condition of anonymity, shares a shocking point in the SEC 12b-1 proposal that has, to date, failed to receive the media coverage one might expect.
A handful of web-sites have sprung up offering useful information geared specifically to 401k plan sponsors and fiduciaries. These 10 past our test as the best.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 3/4/11
Whether you’re a plan sponsor of a defined contribution plan like a 401k or a defined benefit plan, this past week contained news you could use – or at least have on your radar.