This week was an important week for plan sponsors worried whether their 401k decision would come back to bite them. Yet, despite the media blather, one quote stands out as the ultimate truth. We’ve got it for you here.
Tag "fee"
This one paper almost accidentally seals the deal for the fiduciary standard, exposes the conflict-of-interest created by 12b-1 fees and, dare we say, touches the forbidden third rail of all investment research…
The major media tries to say something on the industry and falls flat. Meanwhile, the industry journalists write about things that matter, but only insiders read.
The question remains: Do the new DOL mutual fund reporting requirements merely add to the worries of 401k plan sponsors?
Does the most widely read Fiduciary News story in 2010 reflect a latent concern among 401k fiduciaries or does is represent an eerie omen?
For a slow news week a surprising number of hard-hitting news articles.
“What is intended to help participants, may hurt them as their decisions are driven by confusion and data overload.”
Here’s your chance to see a real example of the new DOL 401k Disclosure Rule in practice. Complete with links to vital DOL documents.
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Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/15/11
Looks like reporters might be sensing they’ve written all they can about the fight for the fiduciary standard. And speaking of standards, guess what oldie but goodie pops up as trending this week?