Fiduciary News

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Tag "Fidelity"

The Fiduciary Duty to Investigate Conflicts-of-Interests with “Zero” and “Negative” Fee Funds

    The Fiduciary Duty to Investigate Conflicts-of-Interests with “Zero” and “Negative” Fee Funds

Whatever the future holds, we live in a present where there is no such thing as a free lunch; thus, the basic notion of caveat emptor continues to hold true.

2 comments Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 3/8/19 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 3/8/19

The states go marching on, fee posse grows, and “Too Good to be True”

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It’s that (Tax) Time of Year, Multiple (Fiduciary) Tugs-of-War, and Adeste Fidelty-as

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When Must a Fiduciary Say “No” to No-Fee Funds?

    When Must a Fiduciary Say “No” to No-Fee Funds?

Still, others remain cautious, especially given the novelty of the idea and the fact it remains untested.

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Exclusive Interview: David Levine: 401k Plan Sponsors Must Separate These Fiduciary Rule Facts from Fiction

    Exclusive Interview: David Levine: 401k Plan Sponsors Must Separate These Fiduciary Rule Facts from Fiction

“This uncertainty can be very challenging for plan sponsors. If I have to give some basic words of advice to plan sponsors, I simply say ‘stop and take a breath.’”

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Exclusive Interview (Part III): Phil Chiricotti Offers Surprising Comments on the Fiduciary Standard

“ERISA needs a statutory fix… or [we need] a DOL that employers can trust.”

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FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/8/13

Americans to Gov: Don’t Tread on My 401k; Americans to Big Finance: Don’t Tread on My 401k; Americans to Markets: What, me worry?

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FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 9/14/12

An excellent example of why you should never get your 401k news from the mass media, Bogle bungles Fiduciary Standard last stand, DOL issues participant fee guidance and more.

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Two New Studies Suggest 401k Alive, Well and Working!

What has the average 401k participant’s account accomplished that neither public employee pensions nor several major college endowments have?

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