Wither regulators? Wither fiduciary? and Zeroing in on fees.
Tag "Fiduciary Rule"
The world of finance is unforgiving. You can’t sweet talk your way out of a bad decision and, quite often, a blunt demeanor can get a job done more effectively and efficiently than the soft ambiguity of diplomatic language.
Aiken says “There is no turning back” on DOL’s Fiduciary Rule as its momentum is “unstoppable” and regulation is “a lagging indicator.”
Financial professionals may have an idea of what millennials want, but millennials have their own ideas – and their “trusted” sources of information may just surprise you.
FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 11/25/16
Retirement Policy Ideas, Grasping for Fiduciary Straws, and Redefining Fees.