Fiduciary News

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Tag "fiduciary"

Plan Sponsor Worries About 401k To IRA Direct Transfers

    Plan Sponsor Worries About 401k To IRA Direct Transfers

The process of transferring assets is not without its own liabilities. The exact nature of the fiduciary risk depends on the nature of the transfer.

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The Dirty Secret About Collective Investment Trusts They Don’t Tell You

    The Dirty Secret About Collective Investment Trusts They Don’t Tell You

CITs can only be offered within the confines of a trust relationship. That means the plan itself might be structurally different than one that has an investment menu limited to mutual funds.

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How Can 401k Plan Sponsors ‘Trick’ Employees Into Saving More For Retirement?

    How Can 401k Plan Sponsors ‘Trick’ Employees Into Saving More For Retirement?

In the spirit of the season, one might even think of this as “tricking” employees to save. Plans sponsors are already using these tricks.

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DOL Approves Citi’s ‘Diverse Asset Program’ for 401ks—What Could Go Wrong?

    DOL Approves Citi’s ‘Diverse Asset Program’ for 401ks—What Could Go Wrong?

The DOL seems to use the same metric that it earlier employed in its statement on the Fiduciary Rule. Still, the Advisory Opinion is very precise in what it allows. Citi will have to tread carefully to not cross the line into the realm of fiduciary.

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How 401k Plan Sponsors Can Onboard New Hires To Encourage Retirement Savings

    How 401k Plan Sponsors Can Onboard New Hires To Encourage Retirement Savings

These service providers bring in expertise and can engage the worker directly. Once set in place, the plan sponsor can step aside and let the system run on its own.

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Exclusive Interview: Sheryl Garrett Says We Aren’t Doing Enough To Mitigate Conflicts-Of-Interest

    Exclusive Interview: Sheryl Garrett Says We Aren’t Doing Enough To Mitigate Conflicts-Of-Interest

I don’t think the plan service providers should provide participant advice. Advice to participants should be provided by a non-related third-party fiduciary.

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What 401k Plan Sponsors Should Do About ‘Lost’ Participants

    What 401k Plan Sponsors Should Do About ‘Lost’ Participants

The DOL’s guidance on missing plan participants appears just as effective as its week 2012 Mutual Fund Fee Disclosure Rule. Yes, it’s there, but it has no viability. Still, that doesn’t mean 401k plan sponsors can ignore the issue, even if they have not lost participants.

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Why Is ‘Fiduciary’ Losing Its Luster?

    Why Is ‘Fiduciary’ Losing Its Luster?

Back then, at least, we knew who wore the white hats and who whore the black hats. Today, thanks to muddled and often conflicting regulations for multiple agencies, everyone is wearing fifty shades of gray.

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What Do You Think Of These Auto-Enrollment/Auto-Escalation Trends?

    What Do You Think Of These Auto-Enrollment/Auto-Escalation Trends?

Overall, nearly 1 in 5 companies still have not adopted auto-enrollment. There are common reasons why companies would not include auto-enrollment in their plans.

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