The Fiduciary Standard is American as motherhood, apple pie and Quaker Oatmeal.
Tag "fiduciary"
A Play-by-Play citing media articles throughout the year showing how SEC Chair Mary Schapiro misplayed her strategy to hold the fiduciary standard hostage for more Congressional money.
Is this the last gasps of a dying business model whose ruins new life seems destined to find rebirth?
As the fight shift from adopting a fiduciary standard to redefining “fiduciary,” we learn the fee-counters might be counting the chickens before they’re hatched.
Here are three easy practices a 401k plan fiduciary can implement to avoid one of the common investing mistakes identified by researchers in the field of behavioral finance.
A week with compliance news coming in from all sides. What issue will have the greatest impact?
First the bad news: The client isn’t always right. Now the worse news: If you listen to the client you’ve just bitten off a chunk of fiduciary liability. How did you get in this mess in the first place?
Read the fallout from the mass market media op-eds that take opposite sides in the fiduciary standard debate while both taking flack from just one side – those in favor of the fiduciary standard.
To really understand investment risk, we must first discover how risk management first evolved.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 9/16/11
Has the SEC screwed the pooch regarding the uniform fiduciary standard? Will the same politics infect the DOL’s proposed Fiduciary Rule and Fee Disclosure Rule?