Fiduciary News

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Tag "Fred Reish"

Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb For The 401k Fiduciary?

    Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb For The 401k Fiduciary?

There might be a there, there. It could be that TDFs have an Achilles’ Heel that leaves them vulnerable.

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After Supreme Court Ruling, Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb Of Fiduciary Liability?

    After Supreme Court Ruling, Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb Of Fiduciary Liability?

The conflicts-of-interest inherent in selecting proprietary funds are apparent. Less so are the criteria used to determine what a suitable process might be.

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Where and When Do 401k Fees Still Matter?

    Where and When Do 401k Fees Still Matter?

You can squeeze a tube of toothpaste all you want, but that doesn’t change how much toothpaste it holds. Are we experiencing the same thing with 401k fees, or are they really dropping as much as we think? And, if they are dropping, are they dropping for the right reasons?

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Fiduciary Fear And Loathing In The World Of ERISA

    Fiduciary Fear And Loathing In The World Of ERISA

Thoughtleaders with the veteran experience to sift through the noise and separate the wheat of solid trends from the chaff of tiresome fads. Accurately discerning between the two can mean the difference between long-term sustainability and irretrievably sunk costs.

0 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 11/23/18 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 11/23/18

Retirement policy retreads, the latest from the front lines of the fiduciary battle, and the WorryMeter and the markets.

1 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/26/18 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/26/18

MEP Fever and Carly Simon sings “Fiduciary” (to the tune of “Anticipation’).

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What Will the Fiduciary Standard Look Like in Five Years?

    What Will the Fiduciary Standard Look Like in Five Years?

Still, if one has confidence the marketplace will drive the industry towards focusing on the best interests of clients, then a de facto fiduciary standard can emerge organically, without overt reliance on regulators.

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Exclusive Interview: Fred Reish says DOL “Conflicted” Over Conflict-of-Interest Rule Appeal

    Exclusive Interview: Fred Reish says DOL “Conflicted” Over Conflict-of-Interest Rule Appeal

One of the nation’s top ERISA attorneys tells us even if the Fiduciary Duty is dead, it’s not. The only question is which part will remain alive and which part with wither on the vine. Fred Reish has an idea, and he tells us here.

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Fiduciary Rule SNAFU: What Happened, What Happens Next, and Does It Really Matter?

    Fiduciary Rule SNAFU: What Happened, What Happens Next, and Does It Really Matter?

In the final analysis, we may get the best of both worlds, a reduced regulatory compliance burden with a market that imposes the fiduciary standard.

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New Fiduciary Rule: What the DOL Got Right, Came Close on, and Missed Entirely

    New Fiduciary Rule: What the DOL Got Right, Came Close on, and Missed Entirely

Any regulation that requires 10 pages of explanation for every page of regulation is bound to have something good, something not-quite-good-enough, and something not-so-good.

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