Fiduciary News

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Tag "GOT" Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/9/18 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/9/18

Top-down retirement policy ideas, “What? I pay Fees?” and what we remember (and don’t) about market volatility

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Goal-Oriented Target: How Leading Advisers and 401k Plan Sponsors are Using this New System to Replace Outdated Modern Portfolio Theory Risk Tools

    Goal-Oriented Target: How Leading Advisers and 401k Plan Sponsors are Using this New System to Replace Outdated Modern Portfolio Theory Risk Tools

The GOT system offers a viable and practical alternative to relying on outdated MPT tools. Although still widely in use, MPT-based calculators and analyzers can sometimes lead retirement savers to make decisions that aren’t in their best interest. That statement alone should trigger concerns from the mindful fiduciary.

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How the Media and Markets Conspire to Thwart Retirement Savers

    How the Media and Markets Conspire to Thwart Retirement Savers

Thanks in part to media reporting, retirement savers objectives are often misplaced. Striving for a high return or outpacing a particular index does not make for a successful retirement savings strategy.

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Retirement Planning Using Return Assumptions vs. Return Requirements – A Fiduciary Perspective

    Retirement Planning Using Return Assumptions vs. Return Requirements – A Fiduciary Perspective

The evolution towards more effective retirement planning is already underway, and many fiduciaries are breathing a sigh of relief because of it.

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Exclusive Interview: Christopher Carosa Explains 2 Ways Hey! What’s My Number? Can Increase the Odds Retirement Savers Will Retire in Comfort

Answers to the questions you’ve all been asking these past six years.

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5 Things to Do to Improve a Retirement Investor’s Goal-Oriented Target

The best strategy is to live in moderation – both today and when you retire.

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How a Fiduciary Can Assess a Retirement Investor’s GOT

Now that you’ve determined your Goal-Oriented Target, discover what it means.

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Has the 401k Fiduciary Unknowingly Put Employees in Peril?

If 401k plan sponsors have failed to update both their plan menu options and their education program to this new paradigm, they may have unknowingly placed their employees in peril.

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Why Every 401k Fiduciary Should Redefine Risk as What Happens When You Miss Your Goal

Volatility simply can’t be used to measure risk because it contains components both of risk and reward. Here’s a better way to measure true investor peril.

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New Survey Reveals How 401k Plan Sponsors Rank 8 Hot Topics

Deloitte’s annual survey produces two shockers: One explains why annuities aren’t as popular as the press makes them out to be, the other, well…

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