Fiduciary News

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Tag "Hilary Martin"

Exclusive Interview: Frontline Producer Explains Controversial 401k Documentary – The Final Take

As bad a some industry players are, it’s always caveat emptor. Both plan sponsors, in their role as fiduciaries, and 401k investors must assume personal responsible and be accountable for their own retirement.

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Exclusive Interview: Frontline Producer Explains Controversial 401k Documentary – The Bad

In that drive for ratings points, producers often – willingly or unwillingly – must make a pact with the devil.

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Exclusive Interview: Frontline Producer Explains Controversial 401k Documentary – The Good

If they only stayed on the straight and narrow path, they would have proved their point.

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Anticipating the Bond Bubble Burst: Protecting Your 401k Plan

Bonds and bond funds alike suffer from rising interest rates, but bonds are protected in ways bond funds are not. Does the typical 401k investor know that?

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Experts: 3 Common Investor Mistakes All Retail and 401k Investors Should Avoid

We can all learn from our own mistakes, but it’s a lot less costly to learn from the mistakes of others.

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How Do 401k Annuity Options Increase Plan Sponsor Fiduciary Liability?

Will 401k plan sponsors find themselves in the same sorry position as the unfortunate bartender who served one too many drinks?

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Does Guaranteed Income Really Make Sense as a 401k Option?

Is there evidence to support what surveys say 401k investors want? Quite the contrary.

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Will Plan Sponsors Leave the Under 30 Crowd Doomed to Repeat 401k History?

Government policy and the hoi polloi might be leading 401k plan sponsors to disaster. Why?

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