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Tag "Holmes Osborne"

Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Recordkeepers

    Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Recordkeepers

Nobody’s perfect. It’s unfair to expect recordkeepers to be. Everyone makes mistakes—even recordkeepers. The problem is what happens when a mistake occurs.

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How 401k Plan Sponsors Can Best Help Employees Think About And Define What A ‘Comfortable’ Retirement Means

    How 401k Plan Sponsors Can Best Help Employees Think About And Define What A ‘Comfortable’ Retirement Means

As with many things, hands-on instruction is generally the best way to achieve this, especially if you make it into an engaging workshop that’s all about the employee and the employee’s dreams, not about the plan.

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How Should Pre-Retirees Define ‘Comfortable’ Retirement?

    How Should Pre-Retirees Define ‘Comfortable’ Retirement?

Those who work with retirees and people saving for retirement often have the best perspective when it comes to guidance pertaining to what is comfortable and what is not. It begins with a very simple definition.

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A Fiduciary Approach to Alternative Investments: Friend or Fad?

    A Fiduciary Approach to Alternative Investments: Friend or Fad?

But is that a chance a fiduciary should take with someone else’s money? The answer is so obvious the question should not have to be asked.

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A Fiduciary Must Confront The Fears and Fads of Market Cycles

    A Fiduciary Must Confront The Fears and Fads of Market Cycles

A good fiduciary must keep a level head and know when emotions drive investors. After all, if they’re not careful, emotion will drive investors right off the cliff.

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Did DOL Fiduciary Rule FAQ Just Fire Warning Shot at Target Date Fund/Index Fund Fees?

    Did DOL Fiduciary Rule FAQ Just Fire Warning Shot at Target Date Fund/Index Fund Fees?

How much effort does it really take for ongoing monitoring of an index fund or a target date fund? And does that justify the fees advisers typically charge? And is this why the DOL inserted that reference in Q5 of the Fiduciary FAQ?

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White House Retirement Plan Budget Proposal Buzz Fizzles Flat with Experienced Pros

    White House Retirement Plan Budget Proposal Buzz Fizzles Flat with Experienced Pros

Solving a political meme does not solve the problem.

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Time for Naïve 401k Millennials Opting for “Safe” Investments to Stop Hurting Themselves

Why have these people failed to learn from history and what can be done to prevent them from hurting themselves?

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Are Target Date Funds a Ticking Time Bomb?

Like lemmings to the sea, retirement savers default to a controversial product.

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401k & Retirement Advisers Shocked by, Sympathetic to and Cynical of Bogle Comments

His heart may be in the right place, but this industry icon nearly put his foot in his mouth by forgetting the very economic lessons that allowed him to be so successful.

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