Fiduciary News

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Tag "investing"

401k Fiduciary Focus: How Does Risk Tolerance Harm Retirement Savers?

    401k Fiduciary Focus: How Does Risk Tolerance Harm Retirement Savers?

What would it take to realize the fiduciary liability of overtly using “risk tolerance” metrics? And what can 401k plan sponsors do about it?

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Here’s Why A Good Fiduciary Is Not Always 100% Invested In Equities

    Here’s Why A Good Fiduciary Is Not Always 100% Invested In Equities

While some may consider this heresy, the best option for a fiduciary managing a portfolio is to include a consistent percentage of assets outside the equity markets and in assets that preserve capital.

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Gamification Tips for 401k Education

    Gamification Tips for 401k Education

Before you scorn the use of badges, remember, the company match is the ultimate badge. If you meet a minimum savings goal, the company awards you a “badge” of a matching contribution.

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What Fiduciaries Learned About 401k Retirement Saving Over These Last 12 Months

    What Fiduciaries Learned About 401k Retirement Saving Over These Last 12 Months

Because things happened so fast, everyday folks could see in real time how long-term financial systems unfold. In the end, this may have been the greatest lesson of all, and it came courtesy of living in the real-world economic laboratory that was 2020.

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Market Rotation Presents Opportunity For Urgent Retirement Saver Education

    Market Rotation Presents Opportunity For Urgent Retirement Saver Education

This is an all too common problem,… It’s important right now for 401k plan sponsors to urge their service providers to educate employees about it.

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The DOL’s New Back To The Future “ESG” (a.k.a. “Fiduciary”) Rule

    The DOL’s New Back To The Future “ESG” (a.k.a. “Fiduciary”) Rule

This has long been demanded of fiduciaries. Nearly two centuries ago in Harvard College v. Amory, the Massachusetts court promulgated what has become known as the “prudent man rule.”

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The Top Seven Questions Retirement Savers Fail to Ask But Should

    The Top Seven Questions Retirement Savers Fail to Ask But Should

It’s often difficult for those not immersed in the everyday concerns of retirement saving to know what to ask (let alone how to interpret the answers). It’s up to plan sponsors and the service providers they employ to guide plan participants along the proper route.

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The #1 Retirement Saving Goal for People in Their 20s and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

    The #1 Retirement Saving Goal for People in Their 20s and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

It’s not rocket science, but it’s not easy – either saving in the first place and then investing for the long-term, which means 20-year olds better be as comfortable riding the market as much as they are riding an amusement park roller coaster.

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These Five Developments Dramatically Changed the Retirement Fiduciary World in 2016

    These Five Developments Dramatically Changed the Retirement Fiduciary World in 2016

In a year that was marked with uncertainty, the biggest development of 2016 might be that it just didn’t matter.

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The Three Biggest Mistakes Retirement Savers Make During Down Markets

    The Three Biggest Mistakes Retirement Savers Make During Down Markets

It is critically important that retirement savers make a long-term game plan for their savings and investing strategy.

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