Fiduciary News

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Tag "Kathleen Owens"

Should A 401k Fiduciary Treat ESG As An Asset Class, A Stock Valuation Factor, Or Neither?

    Should A 401k Fiduciary Treat ESG As An Asset Class, A Stock Valuation Factor, Or Neither?

ESG isn’t going away. There’s no way of telling if it’s a mood ring or a diamond ring. One thing is eminently clear: ESG is a product that people want right now. This complicates life for the retirement plan fiduciary.

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What’s the Most Effective Way 401k Plan Sponsors Can Motivate Their Employees to Repay Their CARES Act Early Withdrawals?

    What’s the Most Effective Way 401k Plan Sponsors Can Motivate Their Employees to Repay Their CARES Act Early Withdrawals?

Perhaps the first option to focus on is that one that involves “paying back” or “not paying back.” The rules, while straightforward to financial professionals, may be less apparent to retirement savers.

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ESG, the DOL, and the Fiduciary Imperative

    ESG, the DOL, and the Fiduciary Imperative

The most pertinent issue may not be the fiduciary imperative, but the marketing imperative. This makes things extremely difficult for the 401k plan sponsor who may sometimes confuse which has priority. Here’s an example of why a plan sponsor might be concerned.

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How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Make Employees Aware of Age-Based Social Security Risk

    How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Make Employees Aware of Age-Based Social Security Risk

If plan sponsors want to alleviate retirement angst among plan participants, they need to ensure they provide full transparency regarding factors that extend beyond the plan. Plan sponsors have an obligation to explain their retirement benefits within the context of these outside factors.

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