It’s clear, then, that there’s a problem. In order how to best come up cure for Covid-related leakage, we have to zero in on exactly when the trouble lies.
Tag "leakage"

In theory, 401k plans were always intended to be highly portable, but that’s not what happened. “Portability” only evolved to the extent that the most-attractive balances were picked off and rolled over to IRAs, and everyone else was left holding the bag.

The need for 401k plan sponsors to increase their focus on their fiduciary duties and, specifically, execute strategies with can reduce their fiduciary liability, arises from this New Fiduciary Era in which we find ourselves. Fortunately, the path to implementing these strategies is well worn. It should be easy to accomplish.

The church rises as the state falls, fiduciary fireworks, and the coming investment civil war.

States of ERISA, fiduciary whirlwind, Fee Fear Factor, and targeting TDFs. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/12/18
Silly public policy, the coming Fiduciary thing, and the return of classic investing headlines.