It will be important for 401k plan sponsors to get down and dirty when it comes to understanding the fiduciary liability implications of “clean” shares and their equivalent. Furthermore, since the most successful class action suits have involved different share classes of the same fund, you can be sure the introduction of “clean” shares will catch the eyes of your not-so-friendly neighborhood class action attorney.
Tag "load"

State Run Plans DOA? Fiduciary’s Long Goodbye? and Products Trump Investments?
Any talk of mutual fund expense ratios only diverts attention away from the true issue at hand – what are the true costs of those non-mutual fund products that make up nearly half of all 401k investments?
Why wait until now to bring up the three-month old blog? The bigger question, however, remains, “How should a 401k fiduciary analyze mutual fund fees?”
The DOL admits, due to the number of variables involved, there’s no easy way to calculate the fees and expenses paid by your 401(k) plan. You might be surprised who the DOL suggests trying to find the answers to the following ten questions from. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 11/16/18
Two opposing forces, what does “fiduciary” really mean, and, speaking of conflicts-of-interest.