We want to focus on the type of “nevers” that, in the heat of the moment or humdrum routine of everyday life, fiduciaries can find themselves slowly sliding down that slippery slope towards. In fact, if, as you read these, you catch yourself muttering something about “there’s always an exception,” then you’ve just discovered where that slippery slope lies.
Tag "Meredith Briggs"
These may not be the only rules, but they rank up there as among the most practical for fiduciaries and, in some cases, for any other professional.
Here’s the beginning of an operational definition of what it takes to be a good fiduciary (first of three installments).
Would you rather have the nuts and bolts practical guide for what to ask or the theoretical questions that tend towards the philosophical? Most 401k plan sponsors are too busy for theory, that’s why they’ll prefer to focus on these questions.