This may rock the world of the unsuspecting. Fasten your seatbelts before proceeding.
Tag "Morningstar"
Some practical advice to 401k investors that relies on real world results rather than just on academic studies.
With the decline of Modern Portfolio Theory as the default operative model, sophisticated investors seek the Holy Grail – the theoretical basis for determining when active will beat passive and when passive will be active. Has it now been found?
Want to know when Active Beats Passive? A Journal of Investing study may just have the answer.
The Supreme Court will raise the visibility of the fee structure within the investments of nearly half of all 401k plan assets. Just because the powers that be say it’s so, doesn’t necessary mean your average fiduciary can rely on the decree. Indeed, the Supreme Court of the United States appears poised rule in favor of mutual fund shareholders, yet, at the same time, mislead both 401k investors and fiduciaries.
Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 9/23/11
Will this be known as the week we lost the fiduciary standard?