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FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 11/24/17

    FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 11/24/17

Celebrating a week of thankfulness, for bad news headlines, continuing interest in fees, and that ever open mind searching for the “coming (investment) thing.”

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Yet Another Independent Study Highlights High Conflict-of-Interest Cost to Retirement Investors

If all these researchers consistently show investors make less money going through brokers, why are brokers still in business?

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Yale Study: A Few Extra Words Can Make a Major Difference for 401k Investors

Employees base their decisions – both good and bad – on even the smallest cues, and that only increases 401k plan sponsor fiduciary liability.

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Which Fiduciary “Cost” Matters Most: The Broker’s or the Retirement Investor’s?

Both sides of the fiduciary debate suggest their view reduces retirement investor costs. They can’t both be right. Luckily, the marketplace offers a real testing ground, leaving only one question: Who does the DOL protect – the industry or the investor?

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