For all the rose-colored eyes that have a created a legend flawless certitude concerning memories of a time that never existed, pension plans simply can’t measure up to 401k plans.
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The process of transferring assets is not without its own liabilities. The exact nature of the fiduciary risk depends on the nature of the transfer.
CITs can only be offered within the confines of a trust relationship. That means the plan itself might be structurally different than one that has an investment menu limited to mutual funds.
Eliminating the match and investing a large portion of retirement savings in bonds creates a risk. It may cause the retirement savings to go down in flames.
The DOL’s guidance on missing plan participants appears just as effective as its week 2012 Mutual Fund Fee Disclosure Rule. Yes, it’s there, but it has no viability. Still, that doesn’t mean 401k plan sponsors can ignore the issue, even if they have not lost participants.
The challenge is plan sponsors often can’t determine if an account is forgotten until some triggering event. And by that time, it’s too late.
There might be a there, there. It could be that TDFs have an Achilles’ Heel that leaves them vulnerable.
Will These Be The Biggest 401k Fiduciary Stories In 2024?
If you have any experience in the retirement plan business, some predictions just write themselves. As in “an incredible feeling of déjà vu.”