Fiduciary News

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Tag "Overdiversification"

FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 6/21/13

Washington does its best to stymie the fiduciary standard while the free markets say otherwise and big pensions move to “all-index” in time to catch annual summer swoon.

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The 2 Least Understood Investment Rules that Most Hurt 401k Investors

Why do so many common sense notions fail to work in the investment world?

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The Most Compelling Challenges in 401k Education

Isn’t it best to know this at age 25 – not 65?

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Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 11/11/11

On hypocrites, backward-thinking, overconfidence and just how helpful is a disclosure rule if no one reads what’s being disclosed?

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How Plan Sponsors Can Help 401k Investors Avoid Overdiversification

Two easy actions to take right now to give 401k investors a better chance to achieve their retirement goals.

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Why Overdiversification Matters to the ERISA Fiduciary

A lurking liability within the bowels of the DOL safe harbor provision, prudence demands 401k plan sponsors cannot overlook this Deadly Sin.

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Fiduciary News Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/28/11

Even as the noose tightens on 401k fees, the DOL increases fiduciary liability with its new Investment Advice Rule. And, just what is going on at Ameriprise?

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Overdiversification and the 401k Investor – Too Many Stocks Spoil the Portfolio

Some practical advice to 401k investors that relies on real world results rather than just on academic studies.

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A Trip Down Memory Lane – Revisiting Portfolio Optimization

It took finance professors more than half a century to conclude what a 1956 Elvis chart-topper told us in 2 minutes and 33 seconds.

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7 Deadly Sins Every ERISA Fiduciary Must Avoid: The 4th Deadly Sin – Overdiversification

You won’t find it in the dictionary but you’re likely to find it in every 401k plan.

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