Fiduciary News

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Tag "Paul Tyler"

Crypto Craze Cracks, Raising Potential 401k Fiduciary Liability?

    Crypto Craze Cracks, Raising Potential 401k Fiduciary Liability?

Even without these extremes, this asset class brings with it a roller coaster experience, something many retirement savers won’t be able to stomach.

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Why Aren’t 401k Plan Participants Getting What They Ask For?

    Why Aren’t 401k Plan Participants Getting What They Ask For?

More sophisticated plan participants who can afford to hire their own adviser. They don’t ask more from the plan. They ask for less, in hopes of gaining more control over their own destiny. For a variety of reasons, this isn’t as easy as some participants would like it to be.

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What Are 401k Plan Sponsors Talking About Right Now?

    What Are 401k Plan Sponsors Talking About Right Now?

Just as these changes come bearing down, so, too, does a need for greater hand holding. Pressures within the provider industry, however, appear to be reducing the number of available hands.

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401k Education Without Walls And Beyond Boundaries

    401k Education Without Walls And Beyond Boundaries

It’s been around for a while, but NetFlix et al have made ‘binge-watching’ a social norm. Is this habit about to trickle down into 401k education and financial literacy in general?

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The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly On Annuities In 401k Plans

    The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly On Annuities In 401k Plans

If the numbers don’t add up for annuities (or anything else, for that matter), where is the demand for these products coming from?

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How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Best Prepare Employees For Post-Retirement Complexity?

    How Can 401k Plan Sponsors Best Prepare Employees For Post-Retirement Complexity?

This isn’t to say younger employees should be left out of this type of education altogether. They shouldn’t. It’s important the message is drip, drip, dripped from the beginning of the onboarding sequence.

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Why The 401k Fiduciary Can No Longer Remain Apathetic Concerning PEPs

    Why The 401k Fiduciary Can No Longer Remain Apathetic Concerning PEPs

You might think you can ignore PEPs. And you might be in for a surprise.

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The DOL’s New Back To The Future “ESG” (a.k.a. “Fiduciary”) Rule

    The DOL’s New Back To The Future “ESG” (a.k.a. “Fiduciary”) Rule

This has long been demanded of fiduciaries. Nearly two centuries ago in Harvard College v. Amory, the Massachusetts court promulgated what has become known as the “prudent man rule.”

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