When retirement industry professionals talk about the impact of the 2006 Pension Protection Act, you might be surprised that this is what they conclude.
Tag "QDIA"

State pension implosion, a regulation without teeth, and the fee-value correlation.

401k rising, the Fiduciary Rule’s long goodbye, and a fee trend worth continuing.

“As for as the pre-release discussion of the Trump tax plan, I would just ignore it. It’s short on details, which raises too many questions.”

Evolving Retirement Savings vehicles, Beware the Fiduciary Paper Tiger, and The Magician’s (Fee) Secret.

With the pain of the Target Date Fund 2008/09 market crash debacle still lingering in the mind, to best assess the potential fiduciary liability inherent in TDFs – no matter what safes harbors were promised by the PPA – it’s critical that 401k plan sponsors understand what’s good about them, what’s bad about them, and just why they’re so popular.

Fiduciary life lessons, more fee woes, and fixed income needs a fix.
FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/15/19
A “Universal” Solution, forward and backward fiduciary steps, and everything old is new again.