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Tag "recordkeeper"

Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Recordkeepers

    Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Recordkeepers

Nobody’s perfect. It’s unfair to expect recordkeepers to be. Everyone makes mistakes—even recordkeepers. The problem is what happens when a mistake occurs.

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Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Payroll Processors

    Top Issues (And Their Solutions) 401k Plan Sponsors Have With Payroll Processors

How do you solve, for example, the problem of integration between the payroll software and the 401k recordkeeper’s website?

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Exclusive Interview: Peter Gulia Explains Difference Between “Settlor” (Plan Design) And “Fiduciary” (Plan Administration) Functions

    Exclusive Interview: Peter Gulia Explains Difference Between “Settlor” (Plan Design) And “Fiduciary” (Plan Administration) Functions

How do we design and administer retirement plans?

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Exclusive Interview: Spencer Williams Says Post Separation Leakage “A Huge Problem”

    Exclusive Interview: Spencer Williams Says Post Separation Leakage “A Huge Problem”

In theory, 401k plans were always intended to be highly portable, but that’s not what happened. “Portability” only evolved to the extent that the most-attractive balances were picked off and rolled over to IRAs, and everyone else was left holding the bag.

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How Does Embedding Retirement Income Into A Target Date Fund Work?

    How Does Embedding Retirement Income Into A Target Date Fund Work?

It’s not just plan sponsors and plan participants that need convincing. The entire retirement plan infrastructure must also get on board. That doesn’t mean the hurdles can’t be overcome.

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Taking a Fiduciary Holistic Approach: How Can 401k Participant Data Be Used?

    Taking a Fiduciary Holistic Approach: How Can 401k Participant Data Be Used?

Despite this, 401k plan sponsors can better protect their employees, even when it comes to personal data, because that data is only acquired within the context of the service provider’s relationship to the plan.

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How Best to Prepare Yourself to Go from Zero to MEP/PEP in Four Months

    How Best to Prepare Yourself to Go from Zero to MEP/PEP in Four Months

Nonetheless, there is a way to short-circuit this time-frame. You can do it, but you’ve got to really want to do it.

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Who Is Generally Responsible For Designing, Detailing, And Approving The 401k IPS?

    Who Is Generally Responsible For Designing, Detailing, And Approving The 401k IPS?

There are many different types of plans, particularly when plan sponsors pick a 3(21) or 3(38) adviser. Which service provider arrangement a plan sponsor chooses impacts how the IPS will be constructed – and how the relevant parties contribute to that draft.

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Top 5 Challenges Too Many 401k Plan Sponsors Aren’t Aware of

    Top 5 Challenges Too Many 401k Plan Sponsors Aren’t Aware of

It’s safer to assume you don’t know everything – and here’s a list that begins to define that everything.

1 comment Read Full Article Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/20/18 Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/20/18

SEC punts fiduciary, fees aren’t everything, and old time investing.

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