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Tag "Richard Rausser"

How Anchoring Hurts 401k Retirement Savers

    How Anchoring Hurts 401k Retirement Savers

With the introduction of the concept of anchoring, Tversky and Kahneman opened the door to a new way of thinking about and addressing the financial decision-making process. For more than four decades, subsequent research has expanded upon their idea. Yet, plan sponsors and participants continue to remain uninformed of the dangers of anchoring.

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What is a “Collective Investment Trust” and Does It Make Sense for a 401k Fiduciary to Use One?

Older than mutual funds, the dangers in them exposed by the crash of 1929 led to the creation of mutual funds. Can their modern descendants reclaim the mantle long held by mutual funds?

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Beyond Auto-Mania: The Future of 401k Plan Design

Dedicated and disciplined savings is the best way to insure a comfortable retirement, and, after all, isn’t that what it’s all about?

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Steps the 401k Fiduciary Can Take to Avoid Poor Plan Design

Perhaps we’ve learned choice isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

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Which Retirement Plan Fiduciary Most Drives 401k Plan Design

Over the decades, the role and standard of different types of service providers has shifted when it comes to plan design. But one thing remains constant.

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How Poor Plan Design Damages Retirement Readiness

Traditional 401k plan designs have demonstrated they actually discourage savings.

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401k Fee Disclosure One Year Later: What We’ve Learned

The DOL’s new 401k Fee Disclosure Rule, while its effectiveness might be suspect, has empowered plan sponsors.

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