This isn’t free money. It comes at a price. Many naïve folks might be salivating at the prospect of releasing these big bucks from the prison of their retirement plan… until they read the fine print.
Tag "Richard Thaler"

A good fiduciary must keep a level head and know when emotions drive investors. After all, if they’re not careful, emotion will drive investors right off the cliff.

Fiduciary irony, fee disbelief, and investment deja vu.

A five-point plan all 401k plan sponsors can implement right now to help employees make better retirement saving decisions.
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Here’s a study showing why segregation is a bad thing even when it comes to portfolio reporting.
The research has been around for more than a decade. Why do regulators and the industry ignore it?
Here are three easy practices a 401k plan fiduciary can implement to avoid one of the common investing mistakes identified by researchers in the field of behavioral finance.
Recent studies suggest employees are better off with 401k plans than with tradition pensions. Here’s how plan sponsors can take advantage of behavioral economics research to make 401k plans even better.
The two conducted simulations and discovered they can fully explain the Equity Premium Puzzle if investors look at their portfolios on an annual basis. Here’s how it works. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 10/27/17
Cap Cutting, Back Burners, and Eternal Truths