Here the intent is to make it possible for a plan/IRA to apply the QDIA safe harbor to involuntary rollovers. But how will this impact plan participants?
Tag "risk"
There’s not a sin in listening to radio shows sponsored by those selling gold and silver. It’s quite another thing to actually act on their “recommendation.”
Should the platform offer ESG doesn’t necessarily mean good news for the 401k plan sponsor. Including ESG funds might introduce other risks.
What would it take to realize the fiduciary liability of overtly using “risk tolerance” metrics? And what can 401k plan sponsors do about it?
The problem with Sequence of Return Risk is that there’s no way of knowing if you’ll experience it. It’s a roll of the dice. The best way to avoid this risk is to prepare as if it were going to happen.
This elegance earned a Nobel Prize for several smart professors. You must forgive them, though, for they had a far limited toolkit to work from. Still, this was the original source from which “risk” sprang.
Why are there two kinds of Target Date Funds and why does that doom this particular group of people saving for retirement in their company’s 401k plan?
While some may consider this heresy, the best option for a fiduciary managing a portfolio is to include a consistent percentage of assets outside the equity markets and in assets that preserve capital.