Fiduciary News

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Tag "Robert Johnson"

Is Allowing Bitcoin in Retirement Accounts Dangerous For The 401k Plan Fiduciary?

    Is Allowing Bitcoin in Retirement Accounts Dangerous For The 401k Plan Fiduciary?

It’s not a simple matter of flipping a switch and allowing cryptocurrencies in plans. Because these are alternative investments, the plan sponsor will need to learn enough about them to make an informed decision.

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Retirement Plan Pros Speak Out on CARES Act From a Fiduciary Perspective

    Retirement Plan Pros Speak Out on CARES Act From a Fiduciary Perspective

This isn’t free money. It comes at a price. Many naïve folks might be salivating at the prospect of releasing these big bucks from the prison of their retirement plan… until they read the fine print.

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What Will the Fiduciary Standard Look Like in Five Years?

    What Will the Fiduciary Standard Look Like in Five Years?

Still, if one has confidence the marketplace will drive the industry towards focusing on the best interests of clients, then a de facto fiduciary standard can emerge organically, without overt reliance on regulators.

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The SEC’s “Best Interest” Proposal – A Step Forward or a Set Back?

    The SEC’s “Best Interest” Proposal – A Step Forward or a Set Back?

We asked financial professionals across the nation for their thoughts on the SEC’s effort. As you might imagine, it’s clear Regulation Best Interest has some good points and some not-so-good points.

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DOL Fiduciary Rule Post-Mortem: How Long Will the Taste Linger?

    DOL Fiduciary Rule Post-Mortem: How Long Will the Taste Linger?

Is the DOL’s Defunct Rule a Fiduciary Obi-Wan: More Powerful Dead Than Alive?

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5 Most Important Financial Concepts a Fiduciary Must Teach

    5 Most Important Financial Concepts a Fiduciary Must Teach

It’s in everyone’s best interest to be successful, so it’s part of a fiduciary’s duty to show them how.

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Guidelines for Minor Children: How to Avoid a Personal Retirement Crisis

    Guidelines for Minor Children: How to Avoid a Personal Retirement Crisis

But, as the cliché goes, “What about the children?” Arguably, it is minor children who have the best (and easiest) opportunity to shield themselves from a retirement crisis. They have the advantage of time (to maximize the benefits of compound interest).

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The #1 Retirement Goal for Retirees and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

    The #1 Retirement Goal for Retirees and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

You’re the one ultimately responsible for all decisions, from picking and choosing what you do and buy to determining how to manage your assets and cash flow stream. Oh, and did we forget to mention this is for the rest of your life?

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The #1 Retirement Saving Goal for People in Their 60s and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

    The #1 Retirement Saving Goal for People in Their 60s and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

As you reach your seventh decade (that would be turning age 60 for those who forgot your first decade includes only your single digit years), you find yourself fast approaching that universal goal line known as “retirement.” Don’t let the nearness to the final goal may fool you into inaction.

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The #1 Retirement Saving Goal for People in Their 30s and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

    The #1 Retirement Saving Goal for People in Their 30s and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

This is the decade in which retirement savers need to accelerate their savings efforts in order to take full advantage of the positive impact time has on the growth of that savings.

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