Fiduciary News

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Tag "Robert Massa"

Fiduciary Challenges For Merging 401k Plans

    Fiduciary Challenges For Merging 401k Plans

If you’re a fiduciary of the acquiring plan, you want to make sure you’re not burdened with any unknown liabilities. If you’re a fiduciary of the acquired plan, you want to make sure the merger process doesn’t introduce new liabilities.

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ESG, the DOL, and the Fiduciary Imperative

    ESG, the DOL, and the Fiduciary Imperative

The most pertinent issue may not be the fiduciary imperative, but the marketing imperative. This makes things extremely difficult for the 401k plan sponsor who may sometimes confuse which has priority. Here’s an example of why a plan sponsor might be concerned.

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How Do 401k Plan Sponsors Administer the Plan From Home?

    How Do 401k Plan Sponsors Administer the Plan From Home?

What’s the biggest challenge for those responsible for administrating their company’s 401k plan while working from home? How is that challenge best overcome?

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12b-1 Fees/Revenue Sharing Add to 401k Plan Sponsor Fiduciary Liability Woes

In some distant future, what fossilized evidence of poor judgment will come back to haunt unsuspecting 401k plan sponsors.

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5 Tasks Every 401k Fiduciary Must Do Right Now

Here’s a checklist that will make the lives of 401k plan sponsors much easier.

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Retirement Saving: How Responsible is the 401k Fiduciary?

Welcome to the new three-legged stool: Employee, Employer, Government

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What’s Really Wrong with 401k Employee/Trustee Education

Forget focusing on content, it’s time to use proven psychological techniques to re-frame the nature of employee and trustee education.

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Study: SEC Fiduciary Delay Costing Retirement Investors $1 Billion per Month

Will the scandalous conclusions of this new research take the bloom off of the rose of the 401k plan?

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Have Mutual Fund Rating Agencies Lost Their Mojo?

For retirement and retail investors alike, has Morningstar and its kin passed their collective “use by” date?

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