Fiduciary News

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Tag "Robert R. Johnson"

How Stock Pickers Incorporate (Or Don’t) ESG And Stay Within Their Fiduciary Duty To Clients

    How Stock Pickers Incorporate (Or Don’t) ESG And Stay Within Their Fiduciary Duty To Clients

While this might ruffle the feathers of ESG activists, those responsible for the day-to-day work of picking stocks have the real-world experience to fully understand where Buffett is coming from.

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Why Is There No Consensus On What ‘ESG’ Means?

    Why Is There No Consensus On What ‘ESG’ Means?

It is the world we inhabit right now. Your company is good for the world because you say so. And no one can legitimately argue with your feelings.

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The Fiduciary Perils of Selling Short

    The Fiduciary Perils of Selling Short

As you’ll see in a moment, there are situations when it does make sense to sell short that are consistent with one’s fiduciary duty. Still, the dangers are there and it’s best to proceed into this financial minefield only with the most expert of advice.

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The DOL’s New Back To The Future “ESG” (a.k.a. “Fiduciary”) Rule

    The DOL’s New Back To The Future “ESG” (a.k.a. “Fiduciary”) Rule

This has long been demanded of fiduciaries. Nearly two centuries ago in Harvard College v. Amory, the Massachusetts court promulgated what has become known as the “prudent man rule.”

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Reframe 401k Participant Education To Stop Stressing Risk And Start Emphasizing Goals

    Reframe 401k Participant Education To Stop Stressing Risk And Start Emphasizing Goals

It’s fun to talk about “risk” and “return” because these are measurables and people are comfortable with the tangible world. But none of that touches upon what really matters. Worse, it can distract you from achieving what you want most.

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Plan Sponsors Have This Fiduciary Duty to Structure 401k Plans to Reduce the Harm Market Inefficiencies Pose to Plan Participants

    Plan Sponsors Have This Fiduciary Duty to Structure 401k Plans to Reduce the Harm Market Inefficiencies Pose to Plan Participants

Despite the better intentions of finance professors a generation ago, the market regularly fails the efficiency test. The scary reality is not a question of what degree of market inefficiency exists, it’s that market inefficiency exists at all. And that can harm investors.

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A Fiduciary Must Confront The Fears and Fads of Market Cycles

    A Fiduciary Must Confront The Fears and Fads of Market Cycles

A good fiduciary must keep a level head and know when emotions drive investors. After all, if they’re not careful, emotion will drive investors right off the cliff.

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The #1 Retirement Saving Goal for People in Their 40s and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

    The #1 Retirement Saving Goal for People in Their 40s and the Most Useful Strategy to Get There

Quite the opposite from being “over the hill,” those in their forties may find they’re still slogging up hill in terms of saving for retirement.

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A Fiduciary Solution to the Social Security Problem

    A Fiduciary Solution to the Social Security Problem

Ultimately, to survive, Social Security must evolve into a defined contribution system and away from its current Ponzi Scheme structure.

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How Should a Fiduciary Treat Social Security in Retirement Planning – A Generational Overview

    How Should a Fiduciary Treat Social Security in Retirement Planning – A Generational Overview

Perhaps, when planning for retirement, self-security is more important than Social Security.

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