While this might ruffle the feathers of ESG activists, those responsible for the day-to-day work of picking stocks have the real-world experience to fully understand where Buffett is coming from.
Tag "Robert R. Johnson"

This has long been demanded of fiduciaries. Nearly two centuries ago in Harvard College v. Amory, the Massachusetts court promulgated what has become known as the “prudent man rule.”

It’s fun to talk about “risk” and “return” because these are measurables and people are comfortable with the tangible world. But none of that touches upon what really matters. Worse, it can distract you from achieving what you want most.

A good fiduciary must keep a level head and know when emotions drive investors. After all, if they’re not careful, emotion will drive investors right off the cliff.

Quite the opposite from being “over the hill,” those in their forties may find they’re still slogging up hill in terms of saving for retirement.