Which plan sponsors will be most impacted by 2012’s emerging regulation?
Tag "SEC"
The battle of public pensions begins with an attack on the 401k as the 401k industry digs in its heels against the DOL Fiduciary Rule while many anticipate sticker shock from the looming Fee Disclosure Rule.
The downsizing of the Fiduciary Standard, an Orwellian porcine view of fees and yet another search for the Holy Investment Option Grail.
How many of these questions matter today?
Featuring a lot of investment talk, from more mourning on TDFs to the Dark Side of behavioral finance.
The pendulum again swings in favor of the fiduciary standard as the DOL threatens to come after service providers regarding questionable fees. In the meantime, the battle between Modern Portfolio Theory and Behavioral-based solutions gets hotter.
The research has been around for more than a decade. Why do regulators and the industry ignore it?
Has the SEC screwed the pooch regarding the uniform fiduciary standard? Will the same politics infect the DOL’s proposed Fiduciary Rule and Fee Disclosure Rule?
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 1/13/12
More bad news for Target Date Fund fans and fans of the Fiduciary Standard, but DOL stands firm on Fee Disclosure Rule timing.