How much effort does it really take for ongoing monitoring of an index fund or a target date fund? And does that justify the fees advisers typically charge? And is this why the DOL inserted that reference in Q5 of the Fiduciary FAQ?
Tag "top 10"
![401k Fiduciary Alert: Regulators Targeting 12b-1 Fees, Is Revenue Sharing Far Behind?](
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![QDIA Fiduciary Red Flags 401k Plan Sponsors Must Look Out For](
Do 401k plan sponsors know the fiduciary minefield they’re stepping into when they select a QDIA?
![The 9 Most Common Mistakes People make within 5 years of Retirement](
One of the greatest challenges for plan sponsors and all fiduciaries is to help retirement savers avoid these nine mistakes.
![Exclusive Interview with Terrance Power: 401k MEPs Reduce Downside Risk for Company Execs](
“There is no upside for an employer doing everything perfectly with their retirement plan. The downside risk, however, can be huge. It’s a risk that just isn’t worth the employer taking.”
![Retirement Plan Options for Small Business Owners](
“Small business owners really need to have a clear understanding of all the retirement plans… Finding the right strategy will help you grow your business and save for your retirement.”
![Will Increased 401k Fee Scrutiny Trump DOL’s New Fiduciary Rule?](
Fee Disclosure and class-action suits have been the one-two punch that has spurred interest in greater 401k fee scrutiny.
![3 Rules for Retirement Savers During Falling Markets](
Why disciplined retirement savers benefit from falling markets.