“This uncertainty can be very challenging for plan sponsors. If I have to give some basic words of advice to plan sponsors, I simply say ‘stop and take a breath.’”
If you are an active member of the gig economy, you don’t need to wait for Congress to act to start saving for retirement. You can begin saving right now. And, depending on your specific situation, you may just be able to save faster than you think.
Top-down retirement policy ideas, “What? I pay Fees?” and what we remember (and don’t) about market volatility
Retirement plan problems, fiduciary cat fight, and, speaking of cat fights…
Improving retirement plans step-by-step, remembering gas station price wars, and markets highs bring out the wolves in sheep’s clothing.
A family that plays together, saves together. Establishing a Child IRA benefits the next generation. Given its tremendous power, the Child IRA remains one of the most under-appreciated retirement savings tools available. In the remaining chapters, we’ll present a virtual “how-to” manual that shows how different groups of people can implement and enjoy the advantages of the IRA.
Government AWOL, Fiduciary Name Game continues, and should fees be determined by the marketplace or the courts?
FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/16/18
States muscle in on Fiduciary Rule, SEC (finally) goes after 12b-1 fees, and lessons from the correction.