It’s not as if this “surprisingly secret” formula has run its course. The equation is so timeless, so simple, that it continues to work for those who have the disciple to follow its rules. Still, can today’s workers see this work for them?

ESG isn’t going away. There’s no way of telling if it’s a mood ring or a diamond ring. One thing is eminently clear: ESG is a product that people want right now. This complicates life for the retirement plan fiduciary.

Point/Counter-Point; How low can fees go? and changing changes in the investment world.

Nonetheless, there is a way to short-circuit this time-frame. You can do it, but you’ve got to really want to do it.

Fun with rules, no fun with rules, and “Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules!”

Perhaps the first option to focus on is that one that involves “paying back” or “not paying back.” The rules, while straightforward to financial professionals, may be less apparent to retirement savers.

The end of retirement? The end of “fiduciary?” The end of investing?

One of the biggest risks inherent in MEPs/PEPs is coordinating all of the many moving pieces. Here’s why people might be wrong to think they know enough about assembling a 401k MEP/PEP and regulatory compliance only heightens the potential liability.

Scrutiny abounds, the quick and the dead, and another statue about to be toppled? Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 8/7/20
Pension problems redux, because they are there, and playing to your strengths.