SEC’s best interest, ERISA’s fiduciary, and through the floor on fees.
Waiting for the Senate and a Fiduciary guessing game.
The entire Morehouse class of 2019 has just won a lottery of sorts. Like all lottery winners, what happens next will reveal the content of its character. And possibly reveal the ultimate fiduciary lesson.
SECURE Act recap, BI coming, and ESG sizzling.
Lotsa compliance talk, little fiduciary talks, and a better understanding of fees.
Compliance FedSpeak, Fee Recursion, and Parsing Investment Headlines.
Fiduciary Back-Off, Fee Free Lunch, and Bad Bonds
Retirement policy potpourri, New Jersey fiduciary, and the investment gamut. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 6/14/19
SECURE, BI, and 3% fees!