Congress may be zagging when common sense says it should be zigging. Or maybe not.

While much has been written of the lack of retirement savings among Americans, the most widely talked about change – lowering the cap on tax deductions – could exasperate the lack of retirement savings.

Thar’s gold in them thar retirement plans! Who could blame cash-starved states from trying to get a piece of that action? On the other hand, there’s plenty of blame when the regulatory arm created to protect employees places politics ahead of the best interests of retirement savers.

The world of finance is unforgiving. You can’t sweet talk your way out of a bad decision and, quite often, a blunt demeanor can get a job done more effectively and efficiently than the soft ambiguity of diplomatic language.

It’s never too late to get ready for retirement, even if you think it’s too late.

Even if a President Trump rescinds the DOL’s Conflict-of-Interest Rule, the spirit of the Rule may live on.

We hold these fiduciaries to be self-evident… This is not the beginning of the end, it is the end of the beginning…