Time diversification remains controversial, but here’s why the practitioners have one up on the academics.
How Babe Ruth Can Help 401k Plan Sponsors Teach Employees the Most Important Thing They Need to Know
Data here reveals the amazing truth about the success of total return investing. So, what’s a plan sponsor to do?
Why do two popular 401k options encourage investors to invest for income when most fiduciaries know (or show know) of the dangers of doing so?
For more than a century, fiduciaries followed the principles set forth in an 1830 court ruling. Two events in 1969 forever changed the landscape.
What do Robin Hood, Income and Fiduciary Duty all have in common? And why should all 401k plan sponsors know this?
One might see the fi360 Conference as merely an industry event, but you’d be surprised what kinds of gems a 401k plan sponsor can discover there. Here are five of them.
If the consequences of choosing the wrong ERISA attorney can prove catastrophic, what are the most important criteria 401k plan sponsors should use when selecting an ERISA attorney?
What has the average 401k participant’s account accomplished that neither public employee pensions nor several major college endowments have?
Maybe we can learn something from Madison’s protesting public employee unions. Maybe there’s something more to being a fiduciary. Something even the DOL doesn’t tell us.
Could it be true? And, if so, will the albatross of liability ultimately hang upon the 401k plan sponsor?