401k Plan Sponsors often see due diligence as a burden. It needn’t be.
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What’s up with the anti-401k conspiracy? Is the DOL about to cave of the Fiduciary Rule?
What worked in the past might mislead today. Worse, it might not include everything it needs to include. Find out what’s still useful, what isn’t and what needs to be added.
A funny thing happened on the way to the fiduciary standard lynching and what the world will look like when fees are transparent
Here’s a quick overview of the most important facts surrounding key regulatory laws and rules, with some practical legal advice thrown in.
Politicians want to milk the 401k cash cow, the DOL catches the industry with its pants down and just who does really benefit from the new Fee Disclosure Rule?
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 3/30/12
Now we know why Washington has been dissing the 401k, why we lost the war for the fiduciary standard and why investors keep losing money.