The adage you can’t serve two masters is as old as the Bible. So why are 401k plan sponsors making this mistake and why is the DOL allowing them to do so?
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The war for the fiduciary begins to shift arenas, we learn the downside of “low-cost” and all indications are the financial industry still hasn’t learned the root cause of the 2008 crisis.
Want to know some real, reliable and independent sources of 401k benchmarking data? Read on.
How a common grade school device can help immediately improve your 401k plan.
Reviewing the history of your 401k plan creates a foundation for a good fiduciary compliance review – but may reveal cracks that need to be filled in first.
Focus this week on how to lower 401k plan sponsor liability and an early warning on the coming onslaught of poorly written mass media articles on 401k fees.
You can count the most important areas 401k plan sponsors must address on one hand. Here they are.
More bad news for Target Date Fund fans and fans of the Fiduciary Standard, but DOL stands firm on Fee Disclosure Rule timing.
What the stress test of Q3 2011 tells us about what the Target Date Fund industry learned from 2008 – and what it didn’t.
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/3/12
This was the week we were all waiting for from the DOL. What we didn’t expect was the surprise from the IRS and the bipartisan agreement from two former SEC chairmen.