The primary reasons for small businesses that you don’t offer 401k plans are cost, complexity, and liability exposure. The traditional 401k plan has a lot of baggage rolled to those areas. It’s complicated. It’s definitely not easy. For local business of 10 to 15 employees that have so many different things they have to deal with, they just aren’t in position to want to have to deal with the baggage with the 401k plan.
Basic Members
Derisking pensions, Morningstar wants “Clean” fees, and irrational investing.
You may have thought Labor Day week was a quiet week… and you may have been right.
Despite those imagined rosy memories, actual history shows, with a few notable exceptions, pensions were never as universal or as lucrative as imagined.
State pension implosion, a regulation without teeth, and the fee-value correlation.
The traditional lifestyle arc, along with the traditional career arc, may push millennials away from Roth style savings later in life.
Why did Philadelphia’s fund grow slower than Boston? Davis says, “If they had been invested for the same time at the same rate, there would be no difference, so it would appear that Philly got lower returns on funds invested than Boston.” Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 9/22/17
Pension problems, spaghetti regs, and the never ending battle between stocks and bonds.