“While it is preferable to start at a young age, you are never too old to start making good financial decisions. If you have made mistakes in the past, it is important that you recognize where you went wrong, and start taking the proper steps to fix any issues you may have created, so that you can move towards a healthier financial state.”
Basic Members
Tax Reform, New DOL Secretary, and Hammering Index Funds.
The retirement world will change, whether the industry wants it to or not. One thing is for sure, though, “financial literacy efforts, while effective for such matters as personal budgeting and proper use of credit, can’t overcome the huge knowledge gap that exists between individual investors and those who stand ready to prey upon them.”
These are the times it’s most important for fiduciaries to learn how to say “no” to clients who feel compelled to set their own best interests aside just to chase investment performance. No one is saying that’s an easy job.
Bad Things, moving Fiduciary goal posts back, and fees that matter.
Quite the opposite from being “over the hill,” those in their forties may find they’re still slogging up hill in terms of saving for retirement.
FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 5/5/17
A New Fiduciary, Fee Crossfire Silence and Controlling Expectations.