Thar’s gold in them thar retirement plans! Who could blame cash-starved states from trying to get a piece of that action? On the other hand, there’s plenty of blame when the regulatory arm created to protect employees places politics ahead of the best interests of retirement savers.
Basic Members
State-run backlash, fiduciaries on a pinhead, and still misunderstanding fees.
It’s not rocket science, but it’s not easy – either saving in the first place and then investing for the long-term, which means 20-year olds better be as comfortable riding the market as much as they are riding an amusement park roller coaster.
States of ERISA, fiduciary whirlwind, Fee Fear Factor, and targeting TDFs.
“Fiduciary” means “Forever,” you can’t take back “Forever” and risk takers/followers. Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 2/24/17
Looking worse for state-run plans, what will fill the fiduciary void, and income infatuation.