Absent any objective definition of ‘excessive’ and ‘reasonable,’ does the Conflict-of-Interest Rule have any real meaning, or is it merely another potentially lucrative cash-flow stream for class action attorneys courtesy of your friendly neighborhood government regulator?
Basic Members
Policy Insanity, Now the Real Fiduciary Questions, and Back to Investing Basics
He says it doesn’t pass the basic smell test, and that’s just warming up…
Without conflict-of-interest fees like 12b-1 fees and revenue sharing, the world becomes a lot simpler for 401k plan sponsors and a lot safer for plan participants.
These three tips may appear obvious, but you can immediately see why they are often ignored.
FiduciaryNews.com Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 4/22/16
Regressing to the Retirement Plan Mean, Mapping the Brave New Fiduciary World, and is your Risk out of Date?