Ron Rhoades explains how and why we lost the fiduciary standard and why that might be a good thing for bona fide fiduciaries.
Basic Members
What might surprise you the most is how easily the industry will adapt to the new fiduciary guidelines.
Why did the greatest story of the year only end up #3 on this list?
Puerto Rico shows America the way, the DOL brings out the big gun and the Fee Disclosure Fiasco.
For at least three of these article, you don’t only need to read them, you need to know why others are reading them.
This time of year causes us to pause and thank our many readers, subscribers and followers for all their enthusiastic support over the past twelve months.
Time for public 401k plans to replace public pensions; Will people listen to Bogle; and What not to expect from disclosure.
“I see the greatest exposure in not being clear as to what the fees are and what they are for.”
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 1/10/14
The beginning of the end to public pensions, to the fiduciary debate and product-based investments?