Some may be shocked, but smart fiduciaries already know the truth behind these outlandish tips.
Basic Members
Is the call for “harmonizing” the SEC and DOL versions of the fiduciary standard merely a ruse to thwart the entire effort?
The Pension Plan NIMBY, putting the Fiduciary Standard in a compromising position and reinterpreting Fee Disclosure based on personal interests.
Employees base their decisions – both good and bad – on even the smallest cues, and that only increases 401k plan sponsor fiduciary liability.
Will coming pension crisis rival S&L crisis? Will market decide fiduciary standard? Why you can’t rely on mass media for 401k fee info and more…
Has the traditional 401k world – everything from how investments are sold to whether fees really matter – just turned on its head?
If this doesn’t scare you…
Government drives backwards, the ironic ineffectiveness of disclosure, the surprising problem with revenue sharing and why you shouldn’t trust anyone under 30 (when it comes to investing).
FiduciaryNews Trending Topics for ERISA Plan Sponsors: Week Ending 8/31/12
Eastwooding 401k fee disclosure, the folly of fiduciary harmonization and “Why are we still talking about investments?”