Fiduciary News

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Tag "Adam Bergman"

Is Allowing Bitcoin in Retirement Accounts Dangerous For The 401k Plan Fiduciary?

    Is Allowing Bitcoin in Retirement Accounts Dangerous For The 401k Plan Fiduciary?

It’s not a simple matter of flipping a switch and allowing cryptocurrencies in plans. Because these are alternative investments, the plan sponsor will need to learn enough about them to make an informed decision.

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The Fiduciary Parent – The Ultimate Plan Sponsor Shouldn’t Overlook this Familiar Tool

    The Fiduciary Parent – The Ultimate Plan Sponsor Shouldn’t Overlook this Familiar Tool

When it comes to the definitive fiduciary, no one can play that role better than the parent. Parents constantly look out for their children. They want to give their children the best possible advantage to live a better life. Why not give them the ultimate head-start?

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What Every Company 401k Plan Fiduciary Needs to Know about MEPs

    What Every Company 401k Plan Fiduciary Needs to Know about MEPs

As we approach clarity with regards to Congressional action and/or implementation of the Trump Executive Order, we may find need to expand these MEP guidelines. Until then, though, companies in business associations where commonality exists may wish to use these ground rules when determining if a 401k MEP is the right course to take.

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5 Awkward 401k Questions Every Good Fiduciary Must Know the Answer To

    5 Awkward 401k Questions Every Good Fiduciary Must Know the Answer To

Never belittle the question or the person asking the question. These are sincere queries that represent commonly held beliefs. These beliefs live a Schrodinger Cat-like existence, being generally not quite true and not quite false. It’s critical, for the benefit of all retirement savers, that these questions be asked and that fiduciaries encourage their asking. This is the only way that allows the fiduciary to respond in the second noteworthy way: By using these questions to refute misconceptions and promote good retirement saving decision-making.

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401k Fiduciary Concern: Financial Literacy and the Savings/Investing Dichotomy

    401k Fiduciary Concern: Financial Literacy and the Savings/Investing Dichotomy

It turns out it’s not a question of “either/or” but more of the interconnectedness of “Yin/Yang.”

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The Five Killer Concepts that Most Confuse Retirement Savers

    The Five Killer Concepts that Most Confuse Retirement Savers

Each of these is dripping with overtones from the lessons of behavioral finance.

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