Fiduciary News

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Tag "Daniel Milan"

Are Fiduciary Risks Worth Putting Commodities In Retirement Plans?

    Are Fiduciary Risks Worth Putting Commodities In Retirement Plans?

There’s not a sin in listening to radio shows sponsored by those selling gold and silver. It’s quite another thing to actually act on their “recommendation.”

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Fiduciary Challenges For Merging 401k Plans

    Fiduciary Challenges For Merging 401k Plans

If you’re a fiduciary of the acquiring plan, you want to make sure you’re not burdened with any unknown liabilities. If you’re a fiduciary of the acquired plan, you want to make sure the merger process doesn’t introduce new liabilities.

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What’s Better Than a 401k for Solopreneurs?

    What’s Better Than a 401k for Solopreneurs?

Just because you don’t have a fiduciary duty to other employees doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to think like a fiduciary.

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3 Reasons Companies Should Ditch Their Stand-Alone 401k And Join A 401k PEP

    3 Reasons Companies Should Ditch Their Stand-Alone 401k And Join A 401k PEP

In the end, though, you must remember the PEP is brand new. Not all offerings will offer the same advantages. Some may be designed specifically to forego one advantage to emphasize another.

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Do 401k MEP/PEPs Really Reduce Fiduciary Liability for Member Companies?

    Do 401k MEP/PEPs Really Reduce Fiduciary Liability for Member Companies?

Here things get a little familiar for companies with pre-existing stand-alone 401k plans (but may need to be discovered by those without plans).

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When Do 401k Plan Sponsors Usually Adopt an Investment Policy Statement?

    When Do 401k Plan Sponsors Usually Adopt an Investment Policy Statement?

The Investment Policy Statement is a legal plan document. It needs to be treated accordingly. This means to deliberate it with diligence before adopting it. Even when it is adopted, it must be regularly inspected and revised as needed.

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Who Is Generally Responsible For Designing, Detailing, And Approving The 401k IPS?

    Who Is Generally Responsible For Designing, Detailing, And Approving The 401k IPS?

There are many different types of plans, particularly when plan sponsors pick a 3(21) or 3(38) adviser. Which service provider arrangement a plan sponsor chooses impacts how the IPS will be constructed – and how the relevant parties contribute to that draft.

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5 Critical Elements Every 401k IPS Must Contain to Achieve Its Primary Purpose

    5 Critical Elements Every 401k IPS Must Contain to Achieve Its Primary Purpose

Including these will make 401k plans safer for plan sponsors and more successful for plan participants.

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What is the Primary Purpose of a 401k IPS?

    What is the Primary Purpose of a 401k IPS?

Unlike a generic vendor agreement, the IPS is a formal plan policy document that defines the parameters between the plan and relevant vendors. This is why it can also be a terrible trap.

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To MEP Or Not To MEP? That is the SECURE 401k Question

    To MEP Or Not To MEP? That is the SECURE 401k Question

It’s important to remember that the 401k MEP is just a vehicle. Whether they truly meet the objective of employees saving more for retirement and doing so effectively and efficiently comes down to execution.

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