Just as these changes come bearing down, so, too, does a need for greater hand holding. Pressures within the provider industry, however, appear to be reducing the number of available hands.
Tag "ESG"

Should the platform offer ESG doesn’t necessarily mean good news for the 401k plan sponsor. Including ESG funds might introduce other risks.

“Encouraging lifetime income distributions was one of my major initiatives at DOL and my biggest regret was that I was not able to move the ball forward as much as I wanted during my time there.” Here she explains why.

This has long been demanded of fiduciaries. Nearly two centuries ago in Harvard College v. Amory, the Massachusetts court promulgated what has become known as the “prudent man rule.”

ESG isn’t going away. There’s no way of telling if it’s a mood ring or a diamond ring. One thing is eminently clear: ESG is a product that people want right now. This complicates life for the retirement plan fiduciary.

The most pertinent issue may not be the fiduciary imperative, but the marketing imperative. This makes things extremely difficult for the 401k plan sponsor who may sometimes confuse which has priority. Here’s an example of why a plan sponsor might be concerned.

But is that a chance a fiduciary should take with someone else’s money? The answer is so obvious the question should not have to be asked.
The Biggest 401k Fiduciary Fireworks, Fizzles, And Flops In 2021
Flops may not be forever. They may just be good ideas before their time. If you’re going to belittle them, you best hurry, because, if you wait too long, you may just discover they aren’t flops anymore. As a result, let’s not waste any time before the shelf-life of these flops expire.