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Tag "Marcia Wagner"

Why Is ‘Fiduciary’ Losing Its Luster?

    Why Is ‘Fiduciary’ Losing Its Luster?

Back then, at least, we knew who wore the white hats and who whore the black hats. Today, thanks to muddled and often conflicting regulations for multiple agencies, everyone is wearing fifty shades of gray.

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Extreme 401k Makeover: Here’s Why DC Guaranteed Income Is A Pipedream

    Extreme 401k Makeover: Here’s Why DC Guaranteed Income Is A Pipedream

So what if a few very high net savers end up with bigger retirement plans? Good for them. The point is to make it easier for more people to save more.

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Five Forlorn 401k Flops To Forever Forsake

    Five Forlorn 401k Flops To Forever Forsake

This week is all about those wayward 401k features that are well beyond their expiration date. Careful, though. In the process, you’ll see what’s garbage to one is a work of art to another.

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Five Fast & Fabulous 401k Fixes

    Five Fast & Fabulous 401k Fixes

Well, if we’re thinking outside the box, why not go big? It turns out, retirement planning isn’t just about accumulating sources of future funds.

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A 401k Plan Sponsor Fiduciary Puzzle: Are Low Fees High Risk?

    A 401k Plan Sponsor Fiduciary Puzzle: Are Low Fees High Risk?

You cannot understate the fiduciary aspect of lower fees. Most 401k plan sponsors, and especially those in smaller plans, don’t have the time or expertise to administer their company’s retirement plan. If they skimp on fees, are they also skimping on the fiduciary protection those professionals are supposed to provide?

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Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb For The 401k Fiduciary?

    Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb For The 401k Fiduciary?

There might be a there, there. It could be that TDFs have an Achilles’ Heel that leaves them vulnerable.

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After Supreme Court Ruling, Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb Of Fiduciary Liability?

    After Supreme Court Ruling, Are TDFs A Ticking Time Bomb Of Fiduciary Liability?

The conflicts-of-interest inherent in selecting proprietary funds are apparent. Less so are the criteria used to determine what a suitable process might be.

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Fiduciary Fear And Loathing In The World Of ERISA

    Fiduciary Fear And Loathing In The World Of ERISA

Thoughtleaders with the veteran experience to sift through the noise and separate the wheat of solid trends from the chaff of tiresome fads. Accurately discerning between the two can mean the difference between long-term sustainability and irretrievably sunk costs.

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What is the Primary Purpose of a 401k IPS?

    What is the Primary Purpose of a 401k IPS?

Unlike a generic vendor agreement, the IPS is a formal plan policy document that defines the parameters between the plan and relevant vendors. This is why it can also be a terrible trap.

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