Ironically, while some see lowering the savings limit as politically palatable because it impacts only a small segment of the population, that same fact reduces the effect of such a policy shift.
Tag "Marcia Wagner"

As long as the fiduciary ball remains in the Executive Branch’s court, it’s easy to predict what will happen. That doesn’t mean, however, that we won’t see some surprises coming from the Legislative Branch.

I do not underestimate the ability of the plaintiff’s bar to come up with novel and clever arguments, but for the reasons set forth in the white paper I do not believe that they can construct a viable theory.

Making matters worse is the changing regulatory environment once the new SECURE Act 2.0 rules become effective. The good news is the dust settles after that.

Here the intent is to make it possible for a plan/IRA to apply the QDIA safe harbor to involuntary rollovers. But how will this impact plan participants?

The tangled web of ERISA regulations grows worse each year. Is this too much for companies responsible for maintaining 401k plans?

It’s tempting to turn your attention to your company, some academic theory, or even—hush!—“best practices.” The truth is, as a fiduciary, you only have one job.

Here’s the real conundrum faced by 401k plan sponsors: They realize they don’t have the expertise to administer the plan. So, what do they do? It’s only natural they do seek outside help for their retirement plan. The trouble is, not all third parties are created equal. But does the average plan sponsor know this?

Not only do pooled plans reduced the administrative burden, but they can also reduce the fiduciary liability for 401k plan sponsors. If you’re not constantly looking over your shoulder, you can spend more time with your nose to the grindstone.