Fiduciary News

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Tag "Mike Alfred"

4 Proven Strategies to Reduce Choice Overload in 401k Plans

It’s one of the biggest problems in today’s retirement plans and – thanks to new research – one of the easiest to fix.

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Exclusive Interview: Frontline Producer Explains Controversial 401k Documentary – The Final Take

As bad a some industry players are, it’s always caveat emptor. Both plan sponsors, in their role as fiduciaries, and 401k investors must assume personal responsible and be accountable for their own retirement.

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Exclusive Interview: Frontline Producer Explains Controversial 401k Documentary – The Ugly

In choosing ratings points over debate points, Smith sacrificed the logic of the straight-forward for the pyrotechnics of a religious argument, and, in doing so, lost credibility with that portion of his audience that knew better.

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Second Look at Headline Grabbing 401k Fee Survey Reveals Major Questions

In the rush to get the headline, did the mass media just do a grave disservice to 401k plan sponsors and investors?

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The Best Way 401k Plan Sponsors Can Benchmark Their Plans

Want to know some real, reliable and independent sources of 401k benchmarking data? Read on.

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Should 401k Plan Sponsors Sell Their Souls for One-Stop-Shopping?

Are the purported lower fees of bundling real, or are they a figment of some marketing department’s imagination? Worse, are bundled services really a fiduciary trap?

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Exclusive Interview: Mike Alfred Provides Insight into BrightScope’s 2nd Annual List of the Top 30 401k Plans

Should mutual funds give fee breaks to large plans only? See what BrightScope’s Mike Alfred says.

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Fiduciary Checklist: Target Date Problems vs. DOL Proposed Rule

It’s not like folks hid their Target Date Fund gripes. The question is: Was the DOL on target with its new disclosure rules?

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BrightScope Talks About Its New 401k Fee Product.

A typical 401k plan fiduciary has no doubt read about this new product. Fiduciary News goes deeper to reveal answers to some of the more critical questions the astute fiduciary might have about BrightScope’s Personal Fee Report.

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Top Fiduciary Stories in 2009

The topsy-turvy 2009 provided some of the biggest fiduciary stories in years. Which do you think rates as the most important?

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